Open Gates Group’s Charitable Foundation Supports Team Iowa at the Transplant Games of America




Open Gates Group Proudly Supports Team Iowa

Open Gates Business Development Corporation’s foundation, The Fountain Charitable Foundation, is proud to announce their donation towards Team Iowa in the Transplant Games of America. The Transplant Games is a multi-sport event to promote the need for organ, eye and tissue donations to show the world that transplant treatments do work. This year’s event will be held August 2-7 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Team Iowa & Iowa Donor Network

Team Iowa, supported by the Iowa Donor Network, is a non-profit organization that helps those needing organ and tissue donations in Iowa. By competing in the games, Team Iowa honors donors and their families where teams consist of athletes and support members. Each participant has received an organ, bone marrow, tissue or corneal transplant or are a living donor.

“Nothing better. Makes everything worthwhile to see him doing stuff like that. That nobody thought he would do. It’s awesome.”
                                   ~ Donor and Uncle for 2016 Iowa’s youngest athlete, Cooper Vozza

Open Gates Group & The Fountain Foundation

Open Gates Group and The Fountain Foundation has a mission to create value and enhance lives. One way this is done is to improve life in the community. Open Gates Group employees can elect to have a portion of each paycheck go to the Fountain Foundation Donation fund. This allows them to give back and help their local community.

For more information on the Fountain Charitable Foundation, click here.

About the author, Emily Baxter

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